Can a Woman Write About Profound Joy?
by Carol Dorf
I was talking on the phone to my kid’s partner which I have to say is not unusual for us They call me on the walk to the library or to the supermarket for a bagette which is a long way on a snowy day not so far on a dry one On this day they were heading to the Elizabeth Bishop archive which I want to see when I visit They told me (warned me?) that the two of them were probably not going to have children I said (agreed?) I could see that On the other hand I said I really loved being a mother nothing else in my life had felt more connected Elizabeth Bishop never had children though she had partners and a house for a while That was a long time ago Once I said or maybe more than once to a friend or maybe to more than one friend It is a shame there is no accidental pregnancy in some circumstances though most of my 20s were spent worrying about my cycle before I was reassured by my period The pregnancy I had was not accidental at all which is maybe why when I talk about being a mother I remember the instants of joy overshadowing the laundry and the night wakings.
Carol Dorf is a Zoeglossia fellow, whose books include Theory-Headed Dragon. Their writing appears on the Poetry Foundation website, and in journals that include Pleiades, About Place, Cutthroat, Braving the Body, American Stories and Scientific American. Founding poetry editor of Talking Writing, they also taught math in Berkeley USD.